# Core Concepts

# Servers

Your Laravel application can have any number of JSON:API compliant APIs. We refer to each API as a Server.

You may opt to not use multiple servers: a simple application will typically only have one server. However, there are a number of use cases where you may decide to implement multiple servers. For example:

  • If you have a public-facing API, and a private API (e.g. only accessible by administrators).
  • If you want to maintain multiple versions of an API, each version can have its own server.

# Resources

Every server has a defined set of JSON:API resources. These are the domain models that clients can access via your API.

For example, a blog application may have posts, comments and users resources to represent the blog posts, comments on those posts, and the users who have authored posts or comments.

# Schemas

For each resource in your server, you will have a Schema class. For example, the posts resource would have a PostSchema class.

The PostSchema describes the structure of the posts resource and translates JSON:API requests into database queries to create, read, update and delete Post models.

The design of Schema classes is inspired by the Laravel Nova (opens new window) approach.

# API Resources

By default, we use the PostSchema to serialize a Post model to a JSON:API resource object.

If you need full control over the serialization of a model to JSON, you can use a Resource class to define the JSON structure.

For example, your posts resource could have a PostResource class defining the serialization. These resource classes are the JSON:API equivalent of Laravel's Eloquent API Resources (opens new window).

# Requests

Laravel JSON:API makes extensive use of Laravel Form Requests (opens new window) to process client requests in accordance with the JSON:API specification.

Our request classes take care of:

  • Negotiating content (opens new window) between the client and the server;
  • Parsing JSON documents sent by client against the JSON:API specification, rejecting any non-compliant documents with detailed error messages.
  • Validating query parameters and JSON resources against your application's specific validation logic.

A resource can have up to three request classes. Using the posts resource as an example, the three classes would be:

  • PostRequest: parses the JSON content of a request to create, update, or delete a posts resource. This includes parsing requests to modify any of the relationships of the posts resource.
  • PostQuery: parses query parameters for when the server will respond with zero-to-one posts resources.
  • PostCollectionQuery: parses query parameters for when the server will respond with zero-to-many posts resources.


Not all resources will use all three request classes: it depends on what JSON:API capabilities you allow a client to execute for each resource type.

Last Updated: 8/21/2024, 8:45:12 PM